ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ - Welcome

The Malaysian Gurdwaras Council was formed in 1988. The Council has as its Ordinary members all legally constituted Gurdwaras in Malaysia. Each member Gurdwara is entitled to send 2 representatives to the General Meeting. The executive Committee of the Council is then elected by these representatives from the Gurdwaras Legally constituted Sikh Organizations are eligible to become Associate members of the Council. They have no voting rights and cannot hold office in the Council.
The Council is the most representative body of the Sikhs, as it is elected by representatives of all legally constituted Gurdwaras in Malaysia. The Gurdwaras committees are elected by the local Sangat (community). The Constitution of the Council requires it to serve as a central forum to promote religious, cultural, social, educational and economic interests of the Sikhs. By clause 3.18 of the Constitution, the Council is required to represent the Sikh Community in Malaysia on all matters pursuant to the Constitution. The Council thus has a vital role to play, to safeguard the interests of all Sikhs in Malaysia.
It has its place of business at No. 7A, Jalan Haji Salleh, Sentul, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The Council is the most representative body of the Sikhs, as it is elected by representatives of all legally constituted Gurdwaras in Malaysia. The Gurdwaras committees are elected by the local Sangat (community). The Constitution of the Council requires it to serve as a central forum to promote religious, cultural, social, educational and economic interests of the Sikhs. By clause 3.18 of the Constitution, the Council is required to represent the Sikh Community in Malaysia on all matters pursuant to the Constitution. The Council thus has a vital role to play, to safeguard the interests of all Sikhs in Malaysia.
It has its place of business at No. 7A, Jalan Haji Salleh, Sentul, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.